Traumavabastuse hingamise- ja tai massaaži rännak
2.5 hours €150
All our memories, traumas, emotions, beliefs, stress are stored in the body. All of these are subconscious blockages that create unnecessary suffering on a daily basis, both for ourselves and for the people we come in contact with. Choose to get out of autopilot and feel your ability to create the life you want.
Hingamisteraapia, energiavälja ravi ja tai massaaž koos käivituspunktide vabastamisega.
NB! Massaaž toimub riietes. Pane selga venivad riided.
NB! Success lies in cooperation. I can help you see the root causes of the problem and release the charges stuck in the body, but for the best and lasting changes for you, I heartily recommend you to continue working independently.
Breathing therapy
Releasing stress, anxiety, trauma and emotional blockages through an altered state of consciousness.
Breathing therapy lasts about 30 minutes. Its purpose is to release tension and blockages built up in the body, allowing a person to achieve a deeper contact with their emotions and subconscious. I combine releasing, holotropic and biodynamic breathing techniques.
Tai massaaž ja käivituspunktide vabastamine
The body is an honest reflection of our life. How much responsibility do we take on? How do we digest life experiences? Do we have too high expectations for ourselves? Do we act and move according to the heart? Do we want to control everything and everyone?
Using the body as a mirror, we have a shortcut to the root causes of problems. They are often stored in our connective tissue, which we can influence to release the charges there.
Releasing launch points on massaaži osa, mis keskendub väikestele, valulikele sõlmedele lihaskoes, mis tekivad lihaspinge, vigastuste ning psühhosomaatiliste põhjuste tagajärjel. Tihtipeale ei ole need vaid lokaalsed, vaid kiirguvad ka teistesse piirkondadesse kehas ja on seotud emotsionaalse laenguga.
If you have any questions, write an e-mail or call +372 53 53 55 72